Freelance jobs for Vector Artist

Do you make images in vector graphics? Find a remote job at!

Here you can find collaboration offers from individuals and companies that allow you to earn money right from your home. Vector graphics is very much in demand for advertising, design and architecture.

Vector graphics specialists can find remote work if they can work with graphics editors CorelDRAW, Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Flash Pro, ABViewer, and Inkscape, Xara Xtreme, Alchemy, SK1, Scribus. Such work requires a lot of attention and creativity.

Our remote freelance stock is designed to help vector graphics specialists and other freelancers find customers quickly. We’ve created a convenient messaging system to make interactions easier, and also have made the feedback from and about employers.

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Showcase order: "Zebra". Detailed description by the link https://beesy.

safeBudget: $100
In progress
Employer: vogster