Let's Write About Skydiving

Budget 25000$ per month
Posted: 4 year ago
Even though it is not a must, the ideal candidates should have exceptional outdoor and skydiving experience for this long-term-project. Apart from writing skydiving reviews, you’ll also be teaching other novice skydiving enthusiasts how to jump out of planes and stay afloat in the sky through interesting, informative articles.

You’ll also be writing about the best skydiving schools, airplanes, drop zones, and landings. As a skydiver who has been to different places around the world, we believe it’s easy for you to write about the best destinations, landmarks, beaches, hotels and other impressive attractions you’ve visited.
Academic Writing,Article Writing,Course Material,Curriculum Development,Curriculum Mapping,Dental Education,Educational Instruction,Evaluation Design,Multicultural Education,Reviews,Scientific Research,Training Material,Writing,Academic Editing,Articulate Storyline,Academic Research,Educational Writing,Hotels,Journal Writing
Working conditions:
Source: guru.com

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