Archive: Stop wach - arduino

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Budget 129$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
I want you to help me create the code for a count-down stop-watch from 99:59 down to 00:00 with the following features:
Hardware (you will need for testing the code):
- arduino (uno preferable)
- 4Bits TM1637 Display (or something similar)
- piezzo (for sound)
- buttons, wires, breadboard, etc
Programming arduino:
- pin0 will reset the arduino and initiate the time to 00:00
- pin1 to set-up first digit (0 to 9) - tens of minutes
- pin2 to set-up second digit (0 to 9) - unit of minutes
- pin3 to set-up third digit (0 to 5) - tens of seconds
- pin4 to set-up fourth digit (0 to 9) - unit of seconds
for example if I want to start the countdown from 85 minutes and 39 seconds I will set-up the digits like: pin1-8, pin2-5, pin3-3, pin4-9 --- 85:39
- pin5 to start the count-down
- software will beep piezzo every time 1 second passes (regardless of the duration of the second... see below)
- pin6 will change the count-down speed to 2x
- pin7 will change the count-down speed to 3x
- pin8 will change the count-down speed to 4x
- pin9 will freeze the count-down and change state of output pin10
- pins 11 to 16 will change state at minute 30:00, 25:00, 20:00, 15:00, 10:00, 5:00 respectively
- pin 17 will change state when count-down hits 00:00

I used the hardware and pin numbers just as examples, you can use any pins you want instead and even suggest better hardware if you want, as long as it comes up to the same end result.
The display Is just one I found, would be better if you find one that is a bit bigger (5-7 centimeters tall by 15-20 centimeters wide.

At the end of the project I expect a complete hardware list, a diagram of mounting, code for arduino.