Archive: Custom Wooden X-Pen Piece

Budget 258$ per month
Posted: 4 year ago
What I’m looking to get made is an easy rabbit wooden XPEN type-enclosure (for litter training in the early days before it free-roams the house like most rabbits should..!)
The samples shown in the photos are almost exactly what I want. I don't consider this a difficult job, but if you see any difficulties with this, please let me know.

Approximately 7 wooden frame panels that are ~1000mm x 750mm each (dimensions TBC)
- 4 frames would have polycarbonate/plexi sheets (1mm-ish) encased in grooves. One of those 4 frames will be for the hinged door you see in the samples.
- 3 frames would be chicken wire to allow airflow through the pen

Each panel to be attached with lift-off hinges to allow ease in transportation&expansion

I’m thinking of pine/white oak/poplar. If there are better recommendations, please lmk.

I’m from near New York City– I prefer somebody close so that I don't have to pay a giant shipping fee for this. But we can discuss.
customization,furniture virtualisation,woodworkers