Freelance jobs for graphic designer

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I have seperate JPEG images, unforntunetly, no Photoshop files. I would like to have a 3 second animation of the blond girl with some kind of movement with the pink M logo in backround. What can you do with it? It would be cool if she can walk up to her final position. Or even she can stay in her position...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $213
4 year ago

Need some postcards designing which I can then print and put in frames. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $92
4 year ago

I need a professional who specializes in webpage design for a proposed Community Based Health Insurance scheme; I can supply details of outlook to the intended freelance project executor. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $39
4 year ago

Needing a redesign and revamp of a website for a production company. It needs to be a WordPress site. Please provide options of different templates to choose from. You would have to provide your own stock photos and videos. High quality photos and videos (4k quality). Please use LiveNationEntertainment....

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $331
4 year ago

Hello we are looking for the best designer. We would like to improve our existing Logo to a more modern and sophisticated one. We are a sustainable Lodge and want to transmit this too. Please visit our website for the existing Logo. We want to maintain the bird. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $133
4 year ago

I have a network and need someone to help recreate my logo and design to make it look more professional. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $71
4 year ago

I am looking for a white page animation of a . gif with buildings that look like they belong in Llagos, Nigeria and a woman sitting at her desk smiling. She's an event planner so she should have a computer and design books around. The woman should look like the attached woman. Her logo goes in the middle...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $159
4 year ago

Established in 2013 Dope Boy Fresh is a London based lifestyle brand. Combining the aesthetic style of urban London and the precise attention to detail usually found in bespoke tailored garments of London’s Savile Row, Dope Boy Fresh is an avid display of the next level in the modern-day streetwear scene....

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $167
4 year ago

I am in need of a website design for a new restaurant my wife just opened , there are specifications for the project in which her project consultant will be providing with the logo, contents and art images for the assign contract. Please kindly respond if you are fit for the task and my budget is within...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $101
4 year ago

We are looking for a talented designer to design our investor pitch deck for our grocery delivery business. This will be used to pitch to potential investors looking to invest seed capital in our app delivery business. We have a total of 15 pages to be design with a branding theme. page 1 and 15 are...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $167
4 year ago

Hello, My company is looking to design arm sleeves for running. I am looking for someone who has a wild imagination that can create 5 designs for me and send them to me as a professional images and in Vector File, PDF or Coral or PSD formats so that they can be printed. Once the work has been completed,...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $167
4 year ago

Hi, I need a quality infographic researched and created for our Diamond drilling business. what is diamond drilling? advantages to diamond drilling? top tasks when you will need to use diamond drilling? selecting the right drill? why use our company? Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $139
4 year ago

We have a short whitepaper that we would like designed as a professional PDF. Our audience is B2B, manufacturing. Quick turnaround required. Happy to answer any questions. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $51
4 year ago

Looking for a UK based designer to work alongside whilst we build the brand/corporate identity for a health and wellness business. Initially we will need company/brand logos, leading on to social media branding etc. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $251
4 year ago

help from someone who is a wiz at photoshop to make 2 images and some text into a double spread fashion magazine. Need done asap x. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $25
4 year ago

I teach English pronunciation to non-native speakers and I need an image to be shown at the end of my online ear-training games to indicate how well the user did. I've got a mock-up of an ear image (see attached) and I'm looking for an illustrator to trace it so it looks better, colour it in, then do...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $17
4 year ago

I'm looking for someone to redesign an existing website. The website contains several different page and media types. I am not looking for a developer. The website will be developed by another party. You must have a strong design portfolio and be able to show previous examples of exceptional cutting...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $852
4 year ago

I am looking for a graphic designer to copy design my business card. I have a business card draft with all the details and all you we need to do is copy it hence why the budget is slightly lower than usual. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $34
4 year ago

I teach in my Academy . I want academy logo. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $13
4 year ago

Hi I am looking for someone who can add some colour and formatting into the presentation. I have it all created but it looks a bit dull so need someone to beautify it. Need it done today. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $25
4 year ago

We are a company in the Beauty business, we are wanting to create our own sleepwear and swimwear for women, we are located in Australia. We need from full garment to design up to drawings, sketches, and patterns of the garments to be produced. We would like someone with the expertise in start-up businesses...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $661
4 year ago

I need this logo design for my coffee shop. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $129
4 year ago

Quick turnaround needed (delivery by Thursday morning). Creating a 5 page product catalogue. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $51
4 year ago

Need an Instruction Manual ( User Guide) Designed for Scaffoldind Product. The user guide will have graphics , pictures and texts and will be approx 40 pages (A5). I will be able to provide the text and graphics and will require proof in editable formats so that I can edit them easily and then a final...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $148
4 year ago

A circular device that will attach to a metal pole, this device will have smaller movable poles going through a circular thing . More info will be provided, must be good at creating movable parts. must be patient since I suck at drawing but needs to be understandable that I am slight of a perfectionist...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $246
4 year ago

tech drawing 2 tops. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $39
4 year ago

To promote our company at events we produce custom-branded chocolate! We did this last year so I have attached a photo of the final product and PDF example and just need the design and copy updated then print ready files created. Unfortunately I don't have the original artwork however I do have the indesign/illustrator...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $59
4 year ago

I need a design for my garden with some lighting ideas. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $251
4 year ago

We require an experienced illustrator to provide all of the illustrations for our book - draft attached. The number of illustrations and the descriptions of each illustration are shown on the attached draft. However, there will be a few other illustrations required such as front and back pages, inside...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $835
4 year ago

I'm looking for photo editing to blur customer faces in restaurant images so that they can be used online. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $148
4 year ago

Hi, My name's Tilda. I need a UX designer as soon as possible, for a project I'm working on. I want to have a design to quickly and easily manage the temperature in your home on a smartphone. Would you be interested? Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $398
4 year ago

Needed for 3d printing, will print floors seperately (3 floors). Furnature is not needed. Scale is important (1:50). Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $215
4 year ago

Just wondering if I could get a quote to create a festival timetable. This would need to be able to be printed very large for display (A0) and printed small on (A5) for the festival programmes. - Attached it the layout we would like to have. - We will send over our logo, brand colours and our content...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $34
4 year ago

We need a simple floorplan design to submit to the local council, it needs to include exit doors, solid furniture, emergency lights, CCTV, etc as shown on the example A. We will provide a detailed hand drawn layout and measurements of the shop. It does not need a location plan. We would need this by...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $168
4 year ago

Change the colours/branding on this two pager to Horizon37 (logo attached, and website is here http://www. horizon37. uk) please. https://www. slideshare. net/slideshow/embed_code/key/7cTMoJsgK8x4Xq The content, layout and photos don't need changing except for the first bar that currently says "In Management...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $34
4 year ago

I’ve started my business in doing pamper parties for kids in an established salon. I want the leaflets to be classy, elegant and fresh/clean. The business cards need to be in two different names - mine and my partner’s. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $51
4 year ago

Need a UK designer to work on logo and letterhead and business card Fowler Associates Ltd Is a one man business in the construction health and safety field. It needs to be a logo that exudes professionalism. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $202
4 year ago

We have requirement for accurate 3D modelling with potential for further lighting and material creation work on a number of interior scenes, work beginning early December with final delivery in early January. Working off-site in a freelance capacity, you would be modelling roughly 15 - 20 scenes of bathrooms....

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $460
4 year ago
By arrangement !

Needed: 3D CAD PRODUCT DESIGNER EXPERT Product: FITNESS TRAINING PRODUCT PHYSICAL - 3+ years of product design experience - Able to meet & work in London if required (travel paid for within reason) - Good intuition visualising user experience to adequately align with CEO goals for the project. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
By arrangement
4 year ago

Hello, We need some animals drawing in ai. For each animal drawn, we need a front view of it sitting down and then a side view of it standing up drawing. The animals we need drawing are: 1. Dachsund Sausage dog 2. Schnauzer 3. Border collie 4. Springer spaniel 5. Labrador 6. Poodle 7. Pug 8. Golden retriever...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $92
4 year ago

Hi, I would need someone to realise a beanie design a. I already have a logo and brand, would just need to be adjusted to a nice looking beanie that is recognizable. Factory has send me the templates they use for production. In samples you can see my logo "Gentstudent" and some merchandise i already...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $43
4 year ago

My name is Daniel Thompson and my wife just open a new China restaurant which we run now and i need a website for the business to grow, So i need you to go through this example link site: http://sullivansquay. com, i need something as simple as this if possible, I will like you to get back to me with...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $202
4 year ago

I have three PDF templates which i need to be converted into working responsive HTML code. I want to use this code as an email template therefore all text fields should be editable. The code will need to work on both desktop and mobile. This work needs to be completed in the next 48 hours. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $418
4 year ago

Animate a rigged 3D model for a happy birthday message/get well/christmas ~60 Sec Provided : a rigged 3DSMax model for video ~60 seconds audio for the character image of child for inclusion text script of actions after review of rigging with animator Output: 1080 3D Animated message from character with...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $46
4 year ago
By arrangement !

I need new website for my hair salon most be ADA complaint for California. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
By arrangement
4 year ago

I'm a freelance photographer on Instagram at @raconteurimagery. I'm looking for a well-designed and professional logo that captures the essence of what I do--use my camera to tell people's stories in ways that portray them in the best light possible. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $65
4 year ago

Side view of a lion roaring on a beach with a wave spelling 'APART BLOOM' flowing out of roaring lion's mouth over its head, sunset and palm trees in the background, slogan 'WE BLOOM TIL' WE'RE DOOMED' written in the sand. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $104
4 year ago

I need to design a building that will have 5 different spaces. Screened porch, large room, shared kitchen, small room, and a barn. Design does not have to be to scale so measurements are not needed. Please look at the photo for a rough draft. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $162
4 year ago

We need a web designer with experience designing high converting website layouts to assist us with numerous client projects. Your role will be to take our brief then design home page, internal page layouts in Photoshop or Indesign for our developers to then take and code into a WordPress website. You...

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $46
4 year ago

I need an experienced designer who has knowledge of designing tracksuits. Skills:.

Category: Design & Art
Budget: $84
4 year ago