Save and playback a local unencrypted live HLS stream.

Budget 777$ per month
Posted: 4 year ago
Save and playback on an iOS device a local unencrypted live HLS stream.
When opening the App and choosing to view the stream it will begin to save the HLS segments to the iOS device before playing back from the saved segments. Minimum latency possible.
Each time the app is opened you are able to choose to either watch a previously saved stream or create a new streaming file for view.
Video time is shown on video progress bar when watching back.
Possible to watch video streams that have been saved previously on the device.
Provide the ability to remove previously saved streams to conserve local storage space.
Allow the seeking of the stream when watching it back either "live" or from a previous recording.
When new files are created on the device the containing folder is given the date and time of the iOS device.
applications developer,ios,software development

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