
Any freelancer know, that to be a sought-after performer and make good money, you need to skill up off the reel. Luckily, modern world offers so many ways to study and develop that no one could even imagine years before! One of these ways is to listen to podcasts — author's audio recordings on certain topics, including diverse IT fields. It’s chiefly actual for those, who are too busy to read books or just bored to do it. And today we gonna share with you some of our favorites podcasts for IT gigs and all interested fellows. Let’s go!...
IT industry is one of the most promising and relevant today, especially among freelancers, so we decided to make a set of articles about freelance IT specialists and today we gonna discover who is a blockchain developer, what pros and cons has this specialization and how to start working with a Blockchain. Rock on! A blockchain is a continuous sequential linked list built according to certain rules....
Sometimes our users are interested in how a freelancer to start working as a programmer? What books to read? How to improve skills and where to study better? And most importantly: which direction in programming to choose. The answer to this question depends on many factors, starting with whether mathematics and logic are closer to you or creative processes and user interaction. Also matters where do you see yourself in a mobile or a desktop development, what advanced technologies and trends attract you, etc. We’ve analyzed and found out that in the world of freelancers, including ours at beesy....