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Any user registered like a specialist can create a team. We draw your attention to the fact that the creation of a team by a specialist is possible only once.

To become a member of the team, you need to be registered as a specialist, send request to join the preferred team or confirm the invitation of the Team Lead. You can join as much teams as you want.

Work on the project is distributed by the team lead based on the wishes of the client, the skills of the specialists, as well as the workload of the tasks.

Open the “My Profile” page, find the team you need in your “Teams” section and click on the cross in the right corner of the team logo.

In order to hire a team, open the list of Teams, select the preferred team and click "Hire".                                  You can also choose a team as the performer by selecting the appropriate bid for your project.

You can pay for the work of the team via service. Direct transfers are not safe!