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    Freelancer Sotir Kostadinov
    Bug Fix, CMS Development, Ecommerce Website Development
    Bug Fix, CMS Development, Ecommerce Website Development, Turnkey Websites Development, Website Layout, Website Testing

    Hi.I think that this world must be better than it is. My way to achieve that is by helping clients like yourself to have the best service possible. Im web designer from 2009. Since then I was gathe...

    ✦ Android Mobile Development
    ✦ Web design
    ✦ Magento
    ✦ WordPress
    ✦ Product Design
    ✦ Java
    ✦ PHP
    ✦ XML
    ✦ CSS
    ✦ HTML
    ✦ SQL
    ✦ Jason

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    Freelancer leosuraij
    Ecommerce Website Development, CMS Development, Website Testing
    Ecommerce Website Development, CMS Development, Website Testing, Website Layout, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SMM (Social Media Marketing), Technical Support, Customer Service
    Sri Lanka

    Hi , Its Suraij . Freelancer . Wordpress Website Guru. Google Expert . 

      I can create ,fix and update any wordpress related works from very beginning  to advanced. Also I can do SEO onpage Especially with Google Search Console. I will do Website Pagespeed optimization...


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    Freelancer William Sanchez
    3D Graphics Design, Banner Design, Icon Design
    3D Graphics Design, Banner Design, Icon Design, Web Design, Interior Design, Logo Design
    per project

    I'm a programmer, web developer, web designer, graphic designer with extensive experience. I adapt to the needs of my clients, fulfilling their expectations on time and professionally. I am new as ...

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    Freelancer oneboxhub
    Ecommerce Website Development, Website Layout
    New York
    United States

    OneBox Hub provides E-commerce SEO Services like product optimization or product listing for various portals like (Amazon, Shopify, Walmart, eBay, etc). Whether you are looking for e-commerce accou...

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    Freelancer Akashi Feng
    CMS Development, Ecommerce Website Development, CRM & ERP Development
    CMS Development, Ecommerce Website Development, CRM & ERP Development, Mobile App Development, Software Development, Web Development, Database Programming, System Programming, Game Development, Embedded Software, QA (Testing)
    per project


    I'm expirenced senior web & mobile developer - I'm doing my best since 5 years as a freelancer and more than 7 years as full-time senior software engineer.
    I've got strong experience in the following ares:
    - PSD to HTML5/CSS3/Javascript
    - jQuery,
    - Resposive Designs,
    - Mobile Apps,
    - Angular.js
    - Angular2/4/5
    - React.js...

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    Freelancer Bilal Shah
    Logo Design, Web Design, User Interface Design
    Logo Design, Web Design, User Interface Design, CMS Development, Bug Fix, Ecommerce Website Development, Website Layout, Mobile App Development, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Corporate Brand Identity

    We are a creative web agency that focuses on quality, innovation, & speed. We utilized technology to bring results to grow our clients' businesses. We are a team of professionals specialized in...

    Logo Design
    Brand Identity
    Graphic Designs (Flyer, Poster, Leaflet, Brochure, Standee, Menu Card, Vynl, Backlit, Social Media Graphics)
    UX/UI Design
    Web Design & Development...

    If you are interested in our services then please share your valuable requirements with us so that we can analyze your requirements and provide you with the best solution accordingly.

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    Freelancer Aziz Ibrahimov
    CMS Development, Ecommerce Website Development, Turnkey Websites Development
    CMS Development, Ecommerce Website Development, Turnkey Websites Development, Website Layout, Website Testing, Web Development, System Programming, Content Management, Web Design, Network & System Administration
    per hour

    Expert of Linux & Media servers / Full Stack Web Developer

    Deployment, management of Linux dedicated and virtual servers, including the shared hosting provision for web sites and applications.

    Installation and configuration of software for video conferencing, live broadcasting, video streaming, video on demand, helpdesk, communication and collaboration services.

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