Persona & coustomer journey

Budget 30$ per month
Posted: 4 year ago
I want someone to create persona & customer journey also Sketch the storyboard using AIDAOR
the persona for a working woman doesn't have time to start their own business because she is busy in her work and doesn't have time & money to startup and some of them don't have experience also.
my solution is to create services app to help them find anything they looking for so if you think to start a business you can go to app and talk with consultant or just when you looking for a specific thing like business study for example so you can find some contacts to help you also when you faced any financial problem you can get help or want suppliers etc..
and there is advisory to help you in an app

you can use a good template from any website for free but looking for something with pictures and emojis I'll put samples to take an idea
storyboarding,advice/consult and guidance,business to business (b2b),image,sketching,web

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