Freelance jobs for CSS, HTML, MySQL
Create a Single Page Website with the following Header Section Call To Action Section Features Section Client Testimonials Section About Us Section Contact Us Section Footer Section Create a Logo Design Animated Logo featuring a Heart and the letters DN ( heart shape ) AI What I require for you Domain-...
I am looking for a skilled Wordpress website designer to create a business website with several pages, up to 15. I already have a theme in mind for the website design. Key requirements for the project include: - Experience in designing and developing Wordpress websites - Strong knowledge of WordPress...
Odoo Development for FINTECH Required Modules/Features: - Accounting - Invoicing - Payment Gateways External API Access: - Only if necessary User Access: - Regular Odoo user - Admin - Portal user Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in Odoo development - Strong knowledge of Accounting, Invoicing,...