Freelance jobs for Web Search
I am looking for a freelancer to help me with a data entry project. The ideal candidate should have experience in typing data into spreadsheets.
Looking to hire data entry and social media worker from delhi. simply copy paste job.
I am looking for a freelancer to assist me in conducting research on a business topic. The main objective of the research is to gather data and statistics, analyze existing research, and identify trends and patterns. The scope of the research is global. Skills and experience required: - Strong research...
Data Entry Specialist Needed - I am looking for a data entry specialist who can assist me with manual data entry tasks. - The data entry tasks will involve entering less than 100 entries into a specific format. - The ideal candidate should have experience in accurate and efficient manual data entry....
I am looking for an experienced web person who has strong knowledge of websites, registering accounts and creating profiles, taking screenshots, making email accounts and viewing websites and making notes about the process and each step of the process. You need to have strong English skills and be able...
I am looking for a freelancer who can help me collate essential information for our web designer to make content updates to our website. The ideal candidate should have experience in gathering and organizing website content.
I am looking for a freelancer who can help me gather email addresses and physical contact information (Mobile Numbers) for accounting and finance students in the UK and selected countries in Main Land Europe. Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in data research and collection - Knowledge of accounting...
I am looking for a freelancer who can assist me with data input for a project. The data is in PDF format, and I will need approximately 1-50 entries.
I am looking for a freelancer who can assist with Excel data entry. Format/Template: I will provide the format/template for the data. Data Quantity: The project requires entering more than 1000 rows of data. Data Source: The data is sourced from an existing Excel sheet.