Writers! 25 Page Manual on Vegan Food!

Budget 250$ per month
Posted: 4 year ago
I need a 25 Page Report on Easy Vegan SLOW COOKER Recipes with nutritional value description of each recipe, prep time/cooking time, and colorful pictures of dishes.

I’m looking to hire someone ( in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Canada, South Africa, Jamaica or Puerto Rico) to write a 25-page report on EASY VEGAN recipes. No meat or dairy in this content.

I'm looking for content similar to what you would find in a book like this one:

The Super Easy Vegan Slow Cooker Cookbook: 100 Easy, Healthy Recipes That Are Ready When You Are by Toni Okomoto


I am ONLY looking for HIGH QUALITY content. Nothing should be plagiarized or stolen from other sources especially from the book that I included above.

The link should be used as reference and to give you an idea of what you will be working on. I will check if it’s copied or plagiarized.

No FLUFF Please!
The report needs to be about 25 pages of HIGH QUALITY content.

When you are bidding-- I need to make sure you took the time to read this post and are not blindly bidding. Please write back with the words "Rainmaker".

The FINAL project must be:

• Written in Times New Roman and 10 point font
• No more than 1/2" margins all the way around - Top, bottom, left, right
• No double spacing!
• At the very beginning, the story must include a 1-2 paragraph summary of what it’s about and a 12-16 bullet points of what is covered
• Finished report must be in a Word document.
• I will own all of the rights to the completed work so when you are fully paid, including but not limited to resale rights, byline rights and copyrights.
• I need many types of reports! If your quality of work is awesome and your prices and turn-around time are fair then I will hire you to do more of these projects :)
• Make sure to put some bullet points and please make sure to have only slow-cooker VEGAN recipes.
• I am looking to pay $130.00 for this project
• I need this done ASAP (please state how quickly you can get it done).
Ghost Writing,Proofreading,English Grammar,Vegan
Working conditions:
Source: guru.com

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