writer required for 25 pg fiction story

Budget 250$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
The series is 3 to 5 books and will be a science fiction/fantasy/romance with a strong female character. Each book would end with a cliff hanger and have reoccurring characters throughout that will keep the readers coming back for more.
I am only looking for serious, long-term commitments from people who love to write stories. If your work is what I am looking for, I can hire you long term for my other series that I have in mind.
Also, please include in your bid the amount of time needed to finish this project. I am looking for a 7 to 10-day window ideally.
Formatting requirements are:
Created in Word.
Font 10 pt. - Times New Roman,
1/2 Margins all the way around/no double spacing.
The beginning of the document should have a 1 – 2 paragraph summary of what the book is about as well as a 12 – 15 bullet points.
And I am looking to pay $150.
Thanks for taking the time to look at my project and I hope to hear from you folks soon!
Ghost Writing
Working conditions:
Source: guru.com

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