Budget 1000$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
Subject Line: 150+ Page Western Romance Story Needed

I’m looking to hire a native English-speaking writer to write a 150 page Western romance story for me to use. It needs to have a fair amount of humor. What makes this series different? While within the broad Romance category and within the Western niche but further differentiated by having humor and funny relatable character or two. I want this to be in the Romance category ranging between squeaky clean Christian romance and certainly not as graphic as erotica.

I'm looking for content similar to what you would find in a book like these:

This is a pretty straightforward project. You should be able to do independent research to fill out the content. I will provide you with some resources to help you out, an outline of the book series and major characters with historical context and will be there to answer any questions that you have, give you directions, and give you feedback on what you produce..

I am ONLY looking for unique content, meaning nothing that you turn in should be plagiarized or stolen from other sources, especially the book that I included above.

The story needs to be about 150+ pages of high quality, romantic entertaining humorous content... no Fluff!! No Filler!

When bidding, so that I know that you actually took the time to read this post and are not blindly bidding, please mention the words "Cassidy Western".

The finished project must be:
- Written in Times New Roman
- 10 point font and no more than 1/2" margins all the way around
- No double spacing
- At the very beginning, the story must include a 1-2 paragraph summary of what is it is about
- Finished report must be a Word doc
- I will own all of the rights to the completed work once you are fully paid

Payment will be prompt, and if you give me a good product at a good price and turnaround, I will leave you positive feedback and recommend you to other employers and consider you for other writing projects.
I actually need several of these types of stories, starting with a Western romance series, so if the quality of your work is great and your prices and turn-around time are fair, I could hire you for all projects.

In your bid, please include the following:
What price would you charge per page/per word?
How long it will realistically take you to finish the completed project?
Your experience including romance and western romance writing
At least two samples of your work.

Thank you for your bid, and hopefully we can work together soon!
Ghost Writing,Ghostwriting,Romance Writing,Historical Writing,Adult / Romance
Working conditions:
Source: guru.com

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