Archive: Skilled Writer for Book on Codependency

Budget 500$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
I need someone who is an experienced copywriter and who has knowledge
and understanding on:

- Codependency or being a codependent
-Being a codependent even without living with an alcoholic or addict
-Non-religious usable advice to overcome
-Codependent relationships
-Current understanding

-­- A minimum 4.5-star rating
-­- Past work related to the subject at hand
-­- Must have English as their first language and must be from either North
America, UK, or Australia
-­- An understanding of formatting – how to create an interactive Table of
-­- Polished, edited, and formatted products – no spelling mistakes, or
punctuation errors – I’m looking for someone who takes pride in their
work (think – would I recommend this to a friend or buy this for a member
of my family?)

Additional Information:
If you are selected, you will be required to submit a Table of Contents within 2
days of hiring. Once approved, the first chapter of the book will need to be
submitted within the following 2 days. After I’m comfortable with your direction,
you will be required to complete the book within the following 10 days of the
first chapter approval.

I will pay $15 per 1000 words written.

This position will also require you to create a book description according to a
format that I will provide (approx. 250 words), and an About the Author
description (approx. 150 words).

*** IMPORTANT – When you apply, please start by typing the words: Cheesy
Chestnuts ***

This way I’ll know that you’ve taken the time to read the entire job description
and that you’ve acknowledged the scope, requirements, and pricing of the job.

Thanks for applying, and good luck!

Working conditions:
Fixed Price
book writing