Re-write and edit content + add refs

Budget 2500$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago

I have 3 ebooks -

1. Weight loss for women over 35 (45 pages)
2. Hormones and weight loss (15 pages)
3. Exercises (15 pages)

Each page has 400 words. I have copied and pasted text to rewrite and I have also written some original content myself.

I am only looking for people with a scientific background and who have experience in explaining complex subjects to non-science people. Excellent English grammar and writing is required i.e. clear, concise and easy to follow.

I need someone to:

- edit / reduce my word count (if I have written it)
- re-write content if it has been copied and pasted and format this for flow
- make sure it fits the page numbers allocated per chapter
- and add scientific references throughout the content
- and note all the references at the end.

The ebooks need to be completely scientific in approach and referencing - with preference to meta analysis, radomised control studies, larger studies - and less preference to small scientific projects (as the data may not be as rigorous). I do not want unreferenced statements to be made.

** I will provide all the scientific sources - usually 1-3 articles or reports per chapter.**

Total word count (65 * 400) = 26000

If you are interested please provide a quote.

Thank you

Science,Writing,Ebooks,Persuasive Writing,Women,English Grammar,Weight Loss,Summarizing
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