Archive: Novel Experts to judge writing contest

Budget 2500$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
Ink & Insights is a writing contest that focuses on feedback for every submission. We act as mentors as well as judges to help writers improve their work.

We are in need of a few more judges who are able to read submissions and dissect the stories to score them by their components (Story structure, organization, character building, dialogue...etc. ), as well as write helpful comments to the writers.

Feedback is the most important part. Writers come to our contest for the feedback, and we want to give them the best. We need judges who can give high-quality feedback for areas that need work, as well as offer suggestions on how to fix the problems. And do all of this in a compassionate way.
Encouragement for areas the writer excels in is also a great addition to every scoresheet.


What Ink & Insights expects from the judges:

--There is a short paid audition/training ($5) that you must complete first, then judge one submission to show I&I that you are able to do the job. The pay for the trial submission if you choose not to continue is $7. If you do continue, it and the rest of the training will be added to your first milestone.

--Read each submission you are assigned carefully and fill out the rubric scoresheet. (Submissions are 10,000-word plus an additional page of summary to help us see where the story is going after the submission segment.)

--Offer a healthy dose of feedback for the writers so they have direction and an idea of how to proceed with their work, as well as why certain aspects do not work in their story.

--This is a work-at-your-own-pace project, but would you be able to complete 3 submissions a week WITHOUT SKIMMING and give the writer thorough feedback?
(10K is not a large chunk of the manuscript, and once you are accustomed to the scoresheet, that step should be easy and fast.) This is not a mandatory pace, but would be helpful to us.

What Ink & Insights offers judges:

--PAY per submissions so you earn what you want!
In order to keep entry fees low, the pay is not high, but many contests do not pay judges at all, so we feel this is fair.
Submissions are the first 10,000 words of the manuscript. This is about 35-40 pages.
The pay is $7 per manuscript and payable in sets of 5 ($35 for a milestone).

--Earn Clients!
After the contest, if you wish to participate, your bio will be listed on the 'Judges as Editors' page with YOUR contact info so ANY writer can come to you for editing/critique help. (These will be your clients, not Ink & Insights')
The more submissions you judge with high-quality feedback, the more writers you expose to your services. And they all need help.

We have so much fun reading tidbits of so many different stories and get to learn from all the different styles and genres.

We have a secret group on Facebook where judges gather to watch scores and the leaderboards as well as discuss submissions or issues related to submissions. At this point, we have 31 editors on the page. Discussion helps us learn and see other aspects of fiction we may not have thought about previously.

--A guaranteed position next year for those judges who do a good job. When the contest starts in Feb 2020, we will come find you and invite

If you are interested, please tell me:

-A bit about your experience and why you would be able to help our writers. (Add a critique sample if you have one to show your feedback style.)

-Why you are interested in this job and what you hope Ink & Insights can do for you.

-If you are on FB and would be willing to participate in our Judges' discussion page.

-Are you on Twitter?

Thanks for your proposal.

Working conditions:
Fixed Price
character design,fiction writing,writing,scoring