Need writer to write 25-page report
per month
Posted: 5 years ago
- Description
- Report must be at least 25 pages and the general topic is a How-to on Healthy Eating.
1/2 inch margins, 10 point font, Times New Roman, single spaced lines.
I would like it to be completed in 10 days of the start of the project.
You will receive specific information about the topic of the report, along with some direction about what the report should cover.
You should be able to do independent research to fill out the content.
I will provide you with some resources as to type of material to include and will be willing to answer any questions that you have.
Content must be original. No plagiarism will be tolerated.
This will eventually be used on my website and may be sold on Amazon Kindle.
Please include a table of contents and a brief summary of the content with the final report.
This is a How-to report in the Healthy Eating area. I will be there to answer questions, give you directions, and give you feedback on what you results.
Payment will be made quickly upon completion, and if you give me a quality report, I will leave you positive feedback and recommend you to others.
My budget is $125 to $150.
In your bid, please include the following:
1. Your best price?
2. How long will it most likely take you to completed the project?
3. A couple samples of your work.
I appreciate your willingness to bid, and hopefully we can work together soon!
...Make it a Most Incredible Day !!!
Working conditions:
- Category