Need expert female ghostwriter
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Posted: 5 years ago
- Description
- Looking for an expert female writer to write a short Contemporary Christian Fiction story
It must be at least 10,000 words on Military Romance (A 5 book series)
English must be excellent. A writer from an English-speaking country, USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia
Must be completed within 10 days of the start of the project.
This story needs be of high-quality entertaining content. No fluff or filler!
I am looking for content similar to what you would find in a book like this one:
Content should be 100% original. No plagiarism will be tolerated. I DO NOT accept nor will I pay for plagiarized content….even if you simply borrow 1 sentence. EVERYTHING must be 100% unique and created by you and you must be willing to sign a contract stating that YOU and YOU only created the content. (A notarized signed contract stating you agree to this)
That link is only for your reference so you get an idea of what I am looking for, I will check.
When bidding so I know that you took the time to read his post please and are not blindly bidding please mention the words “cookie monster”
You should be able to do independent research to fill out the content. I will provide you with some specific info to help you and will be willing to answer any questions that you have.
When the project finished it must be:
-No more than a 12-point font, Times New Roman
-No more than ½ ” margins and single spaced
-Finished report must be in a Word doc
-I will own the rights(resale rights, copyrights, byline rights) to the completed work once you are fully paid
- 1-2 paragraph summary of what it is about
-Cliff hanger connecting something to the next book (The first story will focus on Marine then Army etc)
This is a straightforward project. I will be there to answer questions, give you directions, and give you feedback on what you produce.
I am looking to pay $100 per story as soon as each story is completed I will pay PROMPTLY.
If you give me a good product I will leave you positive feedback and recommend you to other employers and continue to use you for more work.
In your bid, please include the following:
1. What price would you charge per page/per word?
2. How long it will realistically take you to finish the completed project?
3. At least two samples of your work.
4. In your own words what do you think I’m asking for?
Working conditions:
- Category