Archive: IELTS Examiners Needed for Educational

Budget 5000$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
This job vacancy is for IELTS examiner who will be helping Arabic speaking students who are subscribed to our online course to practice on IELTS exam more effectively.

#You will work on a specific 8 hours shift and will have to work on three main tasks:
1-Welcome students joining our course.
2-Correction of student’s writings in video format.
3-Mock speaking exams with students.

Fixed salary of 3840 USD monthly at the end of the month.

#Job Responsibilities and Skills

-The tour MUST be IELTS examiner (or ex-examiner).

-Be able to communicate with students with poor English speaking and writing skills

-Aid students with improving their English in a polite and encouraging manner

-Training will be provided regarding communication, structure of the class, and knowledge regarding IELTS

-Willing to work for 8-hours, 6 days a week with full dedication.
The instructor will be required to be available online during his/her 8-hour shift.

-Must have fast internet without interruptions

-The video and voice quality of the gadget must be high and clear in order to communicate efficiently and effectively.
Working conditions:
Fixed Price