Ghostwriter required for ebook

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Budget 500$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
Looking for a Ghostwriter to write an ebook on sleep disorders.

eBook must be at least 25 pages. I would like it to be completed within 8 days of the start of the project.
You will get specific information about the type of reader that the eBook will be written for, along with some direction about what the ebook should cover.
You should be able to do independent research to fill out the content.
I will provide you with some resources to help you out and will be willing to answer any questions that you have.

Each report MUST have the following;
1- A detailed, 1-2 paragraph summary / report description that simply explains what the report is about and what it covers. (This is paramount!)
2- We need these to be formatted for Kindle eReaders (including hyperlinked table of contents)
3- No more than 3/4" margins and single spaced
4- No more than a 12point font, times new roman
5- Your written English must be 150% on target (only writers from the U.S., Canada, U.K. and Australia)
We DO NOT accept nor will we pay for plagiarized content.. Even if you simply borrow 1 sentence out of 25 pages... EVERYTHING must be 100% unique and created by you and you must be willing to sign a contract stating that YOU and only YOU created the content. (will require that you sign a notarized contract agreeing to this.)
7- You will be required to sign both a non-disclosure agreement as well as a work for hire agreement and transfer all rights to us once you have been paid. We will own all rights to the finished product once you are paid for it. That means we will own the byline rights, resale rights, ownership rights, copyrights and everything else and will require that you sign a notarized contract agreeing to this.
8- We need these to be formatted for Kindle eReaders (including hyperlinked table of contents)

Please include a table of contents and a brief synopsis of the content.
This is a pretty straightforward project. I will be there to answer questions, give you directions, and give you feedback on what you produce.

Payment will be prompt, and if you give me a good product I will leave you positive feedback and recommend you to other employers.

In your bid, please include the following:
1. What price would you charge per page/per word?
2. How long it will realistically take you to finish the completed project?
3. At least two samples of your work.

Thank you for your bid, and hopefully we can work together soon!
Ghost Writing & Books,eBook Writing
Working conditions:

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