Email marketing about child development

Budget 500$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago

I'm looking for a skilled writer to prepare contents for email marketing. They will be about subjects related to kids development or educational toys, mainly for children up to elementary school. The messages should include practical information for parents and educators, without any personal stories.

The content should be unique, conversational and based on personal experience rather than copied from somewhere else. So, the writer should ideally be in a job (or has been in a job) that involves dealing with little children like an elementary school teacher, early childhood educator, or Montessori teacher. They also should be highly skilled in writing for the web, as I'm not looking for merely "good" writing.

Each piece of content will be independent from the rest and will be used in an automated series to educate the website customers. I will probably need around 50 messages for now, each to be 100-300 words. The payment for this job will be $10 per each content.

After the job is completed successfully, I will probably hire the writer long-term for writing the website articles, if possible.

When applying for this project, please include relevant samples and experiences. Please note all generic responses to the job will be ignored.

Upon hire, we will start with one content to make sure we're on the same page.

Looking forward to working with you.

Content Writing,Email,Marketing,Web Content Writing
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