Create mini ebooks on various topics

Budget 15$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
Calling all freelance research authors!

We are looking for a talented research author to create a number of mini ebooks on various topics but mainly in the natural health categories eg Herbs, Essential oils, Yoga etc...

It is imperative that the quality of research and writing is of the highest standard and only those with a proven track record will be used, although there may be exceptions made for a clearly obvious talent.

We are part of a wider group and there will likely be continuous work with the same authors if there are positive responses to your work. I know there are a number of great talents out there and we’re looking forward to seeing who we cross paths with!

The assignments will be creating highly accurate and detailed mini ebooks for our use with our clients. The number of pages per ebook will be fairly consistent, somewhere between 20 - 30 pages although there may be instances where a longer book will be required. If illustrations can be added where appropriate that will be a bonus.

For each ebook we would be looking for a turnaround time of about 5 days or sooner if possible.

We can’t stress the importance of credibility, the books will have to be constructed in a way that shows the lay or seasoned person that the author knows the subject extremely well.

The format or structure of the book will be as per any normal ebook and largely ready for distribution upon receipt.

We look forward to hearing from you and hopefully we will be working together very soon.

Many thanks for your time,

eBooks,Editing & Proofreading,Health,Publishing,Research,Ebooks,Book Editing,Author,Books,Business Books,Booklets
Working conditions:

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