Create a Kindle Book
per month
Posted: 5 years ago
- Description
- Book to be on the topic of "How to take 30 bad habits and change them to 30 good habits"
Book to be 29 pages and around 10,000 words, see notes below
Before I award a job the applicant will have to provide an outline of the book's structure and content. As well as creating the book the applicant will also need to write a description for the Amazon website.
My budget for this job is 125.00 USD
Habits Book Project
Create a book that gives practical strategies that will teach how to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the tiny behaviors that can lead to awesome results.
This book will give you a proven system that can take you to new heights.
The book will list simple behaviors that can be easily applied to daily life and work.
The book will teach how to:
• Allow time for new habits (even when life gets busy)
• Get motivated and willpower to change habits
• Alter your surroundings to make success possible
• Get you reoriented if you lose your way
• And much more
Amazon Kindle
Working conditions:
- Category