Content Writer - series on Keto diet

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Budget 500$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
We are looking to hire a high-quality Content Writer to write original content kindle-formatted reports for us on the Keto diet/lifestyle.

We are looking for a writer who can write in a friendly, fun and conversational style with personality. We do not want stiff and formal!

It's important that you're able to write with correct grammar/punctuation. Typically this means that we ONLY look for native English speaking writers (U.S., Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand).

We prefer to work with someone who is willing to work with us through the completion of the 5-6 part Keto series that we already have outlined.

These reports will include both information/education and recipes.

We are looking to pay no more than $300.00 for this 140 - 150 page report. And a working time of 2 weeks.

(Note: This project is paid as a flat rate (as indicated) and not on a per word basis. Recipes will make up part of the content so many pages won't be margin to margin text.)

Thank you and we look forward to working with you!
Writing,Content / Copywriting
Working conditions:

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