Content for K12 in 5 subjects (India)
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Posted: 5 years ago
- Description
- I am looking for a content partner who can provide me content in digital format suitable for flashcards. Initially I will pilot with 1 standard (Class IX) and over the next 60-90 days move to Class VI to Class XII.
The plan is to build the content by Class; by subject; by chapter. This will be across ICSE and CBSE (boards of Education in India).
Currently the ask is to build content for Class IX- Subjects - History (9 chapters); Geography (10 chapters); Physics (4 chapters), Chemistry (4 chapters), and Biology (7 chapters) - a total of 34 chapters.
Timelines - I need this content to be ready (at least partially by Sep 15th). The content needs to be provided in an Excel format to me - which I can then use to create my flashcards.
I will provide the scanned copy of the chapters to you through Google Docs, and you will need to create questions to ensure the children are ready with all the answers in the chapter.
Things to consider-
1) A total of apprx. 50 questions per chapter would be ideal (may be lower or higher in some cases).
2) This will include - 20 questions - in fill in the blank format; 10 questions in objective type, 10 questions in short answer format and 10 questions in long format.
3) Quality is important and I would prefer a good editing to be done before submission.
4) Happy to pay by Chapter/ by subject.
Depending on this pilot, I will extend this to other classes as well.
I am looking for a content developer, who is looking at the long term, and willing to work with a bootstrapped startup idea.
Please quote price based on -
a) Chapter wise submission
b) subject wise submission
c) class wise submission
Please also confirm the timelines work for you. But if not, please suggest alternate timelines. (Ideally it should be feasible for a company. For individuals this could be very easily a subject based update).
Thank you. Please feel to write to me if you have any questions on this.
Excel,Course Material,Curriculum Mapping,Digital,Editing
- Category