10K word short story needed for mystery
per month
Posted: 5 years ago
- Description
- Seeking to hire writers in the U.S....U.K.....Australia....Canada....Jamaica....U.S. Virgin Islands...(to name a few) to write a series of 10K word short stories for my website
Looking to get it done pretty quickly(please state how long this will take you when you bid)...I only want original content nothing copied, stolen, or plagarized(if hired i will check the finished work...payment will be withheld if any of the above things are detected)
I am looking to pay $125 for each story
The link provided is ONLY for reference and not to be copied...again please provide ALL ORIGINAL characters and content for this story...if the quality of the content is good/great i will have MUCH more work for you.
Here is the link:https://www.amazon.com/Last-Conversation-Forward-collection-ebook/dp/B07VDJBGRY/ref=zg_bs_8624216011_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=9XG5ZRZDH0NWC16VA9ZN
Finished prodict needs to be in Times New Roman
10 point font and no more than 1/2" margins...No DBL spacing
Beginning of the story MUST have a 1-2 paragraph description to summarize what the story is about and also 12-15 bullet points on what is covered
Finished story MUST be in a word doc
I will own all rights to the completed work once payment has been delivered in full
Please include the phrase "Kale yea" with your bid...thanx a lot for taking time to read this ad and i look forward to working with you
Creative Writing
Working conditions:
- Category
Source: guru.com