10000 word wedding planning e book

Budget 250$ per month
Posted: 4 year ago
Looking for a writer that can create a 10000 word ebook on wedding planning on a budget.

Looking to hire someone in the US, UK, or Canada

I am looking for something similar to the book below but it would need to be unique material. Only posting the link as a reference to show the type of eBook I am looking for. No plagiarism please.


Other requirements single spaced, paragraph indention 5mm, 12pt Times New Roman, and margins set to no more than 3/4 margins.

Also would need a 1 to 2 paragraph summary that will give an idea of what the book covers.

If interested please send me your bids. Also can you include sample of your work.

Payment for the project will be when I am satisfied with the finished product.

Fixed price $125
eBooks,Ghost Writing
Working conditions:
Source: guru.com

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