Tutor for a project on Object Oriented Programming with Python

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Budget 29$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
Developing an application based on the principles of Object-Oriented Programming.

1. Create a car class with the following properties:
• Colour
• Make
• Mileage and EngineSize
• Status – should be rented or available

Write get and set methods to access the data of each object.

Develop two methods paint and move:
o The paint method allows the user to provide the colour to paint.
o The move method allows the user to provide the distance as a parameter and calculates the mileage after moving to that distance.

Create two inherited classes PetrolCar and DieselCar with attributes of your choice:

2. Write a program that creates a list of petrol and diesel cars (at least 10) owned by Aungier Street Car Park (You can create/get data in a file and then read into objects).

The program also creates function to return a pool of cars available for rent.
It allows a user to rent a car from the list of available cars and to return a car.
When the user rents a car, the car is removed from the pool.
When the car is returned by the customer it is assigned back into the rental pool.
If all cars are rented out the rental function should return a message to the customer stating: "Sorry nothing to rent, please try again".

3. All classes developed should be documented with proper comments.

4. All classes developed should be accompanied by an associated unit tests for the classes written.
applications developer,object oriented programming (oop),Python programming language,unit testing
Source: peopleperhour.com

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