Python code for textual analysis and webscraping

Budget 645$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
I need python code that performs the following three things.
(1) The code would need to search a group of txt or pdf files in a local folder on my computer. The code would need to search for certain key words and count the number of times each key word is used. The code would also need to count the number of words overall in the document. Finally, the code would need to import the results into a csv or excel file.
(1a) The code would need to automatically extract keywords and phrases from a group of txt or pdf files in a
local folder on my computer. The code would need to list the words and phrases that most commonly appear within each file. The code would need to count the number of words overall in the document. Finally, the code would need to import the results into a csv or excel file.
(2) The code would need to go to (scrape) the SEC’s website and search 10K for filings for each quarter for each company (by CIK#) for a list of key words each year (key words would be different for each year). The code would need to count the number of occurrences for each key word and the number of words overall in the 10K for each company. The code would need to list the words and phrases that most commonly appear within each file. Finally, the code would need to import the results into a csv or excel file.
analysis,comma separated values(csv),extraction,Python programming language,scraping

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