Write 25 page mini-report on Keto & IF
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Posted: 5 years ago
- Description
- NOTE: Only bid if you can finish by Sept/4/19
We are looking to hire a Good writer to write an original content kindle formatted mini-report for us. If this project goes well we will consider expanding to create a series.
We are ONLY looking for native English speaking writers (U.S., Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand)
SUBJECT: Turbo Charge Your Weightloss: Keto + Intermittent Fasting Made Simple For Beginners (working title only - edits to this are fine and will be reviewed)
(not limited to but...) To Include:
* Intro to Keto - what is it, health and weight loss benefits (strict keto only)
* Intro to Intermittent Fasting - what it is, different forms, health and weightloss benefits (suggest a more basic and shorter fasting regime to start with)
* Why/How Keto and Intermittent Fasting work together
* Importance of meal planning
* Other Tips to ensure success
* Sample week's meal plan with corresponding 100% Strict Keto recipes
* Sample month calendar as visual for how to schedule fasting periods
*Please include WHAT, WHY, HOW, WHAT IF in headlines/subheadlines/chapter titles
Other works in this niche:
Example 1: https://www.amazon.com/Intermittent-Fasting-Beginners-Ultimate-Weight/dp/1093349689/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=intermittent+fasting&qid=1565918600&s=books&sr=1-1-catcorr
Example 2: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1623158087/?coliid=I125ZMS3XTGCDR&colid=1VO9JZLTHSUHF&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it
(these examples are NOT to be copied in any way - provide inspiration only)
You should be very knowledgeable in and/or an A+ researcher in order to write high quality content in this niche.
The report MUST have the following;
1- A detailed, 1-2 paragraph summary / report description that simply explains what the report is about and what it covers. (This is paramount!)
2- We need this to be formatted for Kindle eReaders (including hyperlinked table of contents)
3- No more than 3/4" margins and single spaced
4- No more than a 12 point font, times new roman
We DO NOT accept nor will we pay for plagiarized content.. Even if you simply borrow 1 sentence out of 25 pages… EVERYTHING must be 100% unique and created by you and you must be willing to sign a contract stating that YOU and only YOU created the content. PLR content is not accepted. (will require that you sign a notarized contract agreeing to this.)
6- You will be required to sign both a non-disclosure agreement as well as a work for hire agreement and transfer all rights to us once you have been paid. We will own all rights to the finished product once you are paid for it. That means we will own the byline rights, resale rights, ownership rights, copyrights and everything else and will require that you sign a notarized contract agreeing to this.
When bidding please start your reply out with the phrase "Umbrella Rose" so I know that you've actually taken the time to read this entire post instead of just blindly placing a bid.
I'm looking to pay no more than $125.00 for this 25 page report.
Thank you and we look forward to working with you.
Working conditions:
- Category
Source: guru.com