Archive: Whitepapers and blogs

Budget By arrangement
Posted: 5 years ago

I'm currently looking for a team to help with our content creation.

Our company (TMQuotes) focuses on provide licensed life and health agents in the US the ability to sell travel medical insurance. The technology we offer them (at no upfront cost) allows them to be an aggregator of travel medical policies.

You can refer to and see the aggregator tool in action. In fact, TMQuotes is built on the same platform as VisitorsCoverage and offers agents the same feature while still maintaining their brand.

Since TMQuotes is a new business, we are in need for more content to drive our inbound marketing initiative.

Content includes:
- Whitepaper (i.e. top ten things to be successful in Travel Insurance) ---> immediate need
- blog articles

This will be a long term project where you will feeding us with constant content to drive traffic to our website.
Working conditions:
6+ months
30+ Hours/wk
Rate: not specified