Web Design-Automotive Themed Website

Posted: 5 years ago
We are looking for an individual or team to design/develop a new automotive themed website for our business.

We are a small bus manufacturer and need to develop a website to help establish our brand and display our product. Our company consists of two parts...a sales arm which has its own standalone website, and the manufacturing business which does not currently have a website of any kind. We are looking to establish a relationship with someone that can assist us with ongoing projects.

Our brand caters to the luxury/high-end custom bus market and the website needs to reflect this. We are looking for sleek, modern, minimalistic and clean design. Elegant but not bland and boring. We would as you reference sites like Tesla etc for inspiration in terms of design.

The site must also be mobile responsive on both cell phone and tablets

We have a host of multimedia and good quality photography along with all logos in appropriate format for design purposes.

About this website

A striking home page that sets the tone for the product and the brand

We offer two products (a luxury bus, and a luxury van). Each vehilce will have its own tab/section which much like an automotive manufacturer website (ie. Ford/Toyota/Mercedes/Tesla/Porsche etc) when you click on a model of vehicle it then takes you to a page which will have some stunning imagery, marketing material, specifications etc

In addition to these vehicles we also take on several Custom Projects which will have its own unique tab in which we can display some of our custom work which does not fit in our traditional category of the luxury bus/van segment

An About Us page which will be short but it will give a brief history of our company and our mission statement

A Contact us Page for further inquires, address etc

Social media integration to some degree.

It would be beneficial if the site was designed in a way that would allow us to make simple modifications/add photos/change content/text easily

Would like the site to be designed with SEO principles in mind, proper links etc

Our brand logo is attached below along with a photo of our product
WordPress,Design,Mobile Development,Web / Digital Marketing,1-Logo JPG.jpg,Bus_External-13.jpg,FINAL-9.jpg
Source: guru.com

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