Record video of Child drawing a sun

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Posted: 5 years ago
I want you to record a video of a small girl between the ages of 6 and 8 drawing a simple picture of the sun similar to the video attached.

1. Record the child from above so that you only see the paper and arms and hands
2. Must record in Wide screen mode
3, Must be on a large white paper
4. Must use crayon colors similar to video
5. once drawing is complete, video the child holding her art work in front to display her work and smiling
6. Record child's parents giving permission for their child to make the video
7. Video cannot be low quality, does not have to be HD but it cannot be grainy and dark. You can use a cellphone, but I prefer it be an iphone if you use a cell phone. I will reject any video of low quality.
8. So when you apply for the job, video any person during daylight time with the same camera you plan to do the video with and send me a short 10 second sample video. Please provide this sample when you apply so I can see the quality of your camera
8, Send in MP4 format

You must provide the following information as well:
1. Parents Names and contact
2. Child Name
3. City and country they reside in

Must apply as a tasked based bid only! and I will want you to make more videos in you country at a later time
Any,sample sun drawing.mp4

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