Presentation for Data Governance Process

Posted: 5 years ago
I am looking for around a 10-page presentation with speaker notes on creating and implementing practical data governance for a small company to a nontechnical audience and the research needed to create the strategy. I would like for the slide to have a little more graphics than words and be able to speak to the slide from the speaker notes.

Date Due: Sept 21, 2019

Content suggestions are as follows (please feel free to add or subtract from these to make a better product):
1. What is data governance and why it's important
- Wikipedia defines it as “[the] process an organization follows to ensure high-quality data exists throughout the complete lifecycle.”
- most essential elements of data governance:
- Data Quality.
- Security, Privacy, and Compliance
- Master Data Management (MDM)
- Data Stewardship
- Data Architecture. Correct data architecture needs to be established to optimize governance. What is data architecture? Put best by Techopedia, it is:
“a set of rules, policies, standards, and models that govern and define the type of data collected and how it is used, stored, managed and integrated within an organization and its database systems. “

2. Our Strategy is around:
-Creating a single source of truth
-Data Democratization
-creating high data quality
-active engagement and buy-in across the organization in data governance

2. Goals:
-Enable better decision-making
-Protect the needs of data stakeholders
-Train management and staff to adopt common approaches to data issues
- Build standard, repeatable processes
- Reduce costs and increase effectiveness through coordination of efforts
-Ensure transparency of processes

3. Principles (From the Data Governance Institute):
-Principle – Integrity. Data Governance participants will practice integrity with their dealings with each other; they will be truthful and forthcoming when discussing drivers, constraints, options, and impacts for data-related decisions.
-Principle – Transparency. Data Governance and Stewardship processes will exhibit transparency; it should be clear to all participants and auditors how and when data-related decisions and controls were introduced into the processes.
-Principle – Accountability. Data Governance will define accountabilities for cross-functional data-related decisions, processes, and controls.
-Principle – Standardization. Data Governance will introduce and support the standardization of enterprise data.

4. How we will start Data Governance
-Data Governance org. structure with responsibilities
-A detailed road map of milestones for key tasks for setting up and running governance council
- key metrics that will be used

5. Summary of key points.
Management,Strategy Development

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