Archive: Marketplace website design

Budget 250$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
We are looking for a marketplace website designer to design a website that sells gifts online to be delivered to people. The design will then be provided to a developer to create the final product.

Mock layouts of website pages are attached, but we are open to other creative design ideas.

The website must have a user-friendly and catchy design with the following pages:

1. Landing Page - Includes company description, features popular products and features vendors.
2. Search Page - Includes multiple filters for customers to filter and search through products.
3. Product Page - Includes the product information of a particular product selected by the customer. Also includes fields for customers to choose applicable attributes such as quantity, type, size, etc., and a button to purchase product.
4. Order Summary Page - Summarizes the product chosen and custom fields selected. Allows customer to input delivery instructions and payment details. Includes a button that takes customer to third-party portal for payment.
5. Order Confirmation Page - Confirms order after customer makes payment in third-party payment portal.
6. Vendor Sign-up Page - Includes a form for vendors to submit contact information.
7. Vendor Sign-up Confirmation page - Confirms when vendor submits the sign-up form.
8. Contact Us Page - Includes a form for customers to contact us with questions or comments in general or about their order.
9. Contact Us Confirmation Page - Provides confirmation that customer inquiry has been submitted.

ALL Pages must have a banner that has the following elements:
1. Company Logo (which always directs to Landing Page when clicked)
2. Search Bar with auto fill capabilities
3. Product Categories
4. Contact Us Button
5. Vendor Sign-up Button
Working conditions:
Fixed Price
Under $250
design,layout design,web design,landing page design,creative,marketplace web design