Budget 250$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
We are looking for essay writers to write some personal story/statement for us. Most of these writing are a personal statement type essay like “why I choose/like your organization, company, project, etc?”. “I hope to gain …… experience through your organization/company/project”.

The requirements are:

(1) The essay should be no longer than 450 words in most of the writing. We will provide some basic information about “I”. You need to create some personal story according to the guideline we provide in the essay to make the essay more presentable. It means you can use your imagination to create figure and/or story in the essay.

(2) You need to go to the public web site of the organization/ company/ project to familiar with them to write a specific, not generic, essay for why that specific organization/company/project.

(3) We are looking for writers, not editors. If you just do some minor edit on spelling, grammar, content on the material we provide, it do NOT work for us. You need to write a presentable essay for us.

The process will work as following

(1) We prefer you submit one or two your short writing sample for review during the bidding process.

(2) If you are chosen for the project, we will assign you a topic for the first writing

(3) Please bid according to one essay. We will pay you same or similar on the following similar essays.

(4) We will evaluate your first draft and provide some feedback, you then edit the essay according to our feedback. We do not expect more than three drafts.

(5) We will make payment to your first assay after you modify the essay according to our feedback

(6) If we feel your writing style fit our need, we will assign you next topic and will pay you same amount as the first essay for the following essays, or we can discuss further according to the amount of time you will spend on.

This project opens to US base writers only for easy communication purpose. Thank you very much.
Essay Writing,Writing,Writing & Editing Industry
Working conditions:
Source: guru.com

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