City Government Internet Research

Budget 250$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
I need up to 100 citations from US and Canadian city governments that supports the planting, placement and locating of trees in a manner that preserves the visibility of existing storefronts and storefront signage. These citations are found in publications by the cities know as, "Master Plan", "Streetscape Guidelines", "Revitalization Plan", "Streetscape Standards", "Design Manual", "Design Guidelines", "Streetscape Plan", "Downtown Area Study", "Retail Plan", "Retail Enhancement Study" and many other titles.

Here are some sample citations:

"Plant materials should be in scale and compatible with the adjacent land uses and buildings. Plant materials and landscaped areas should be used to enhance the appearance of structures, define site functions and edges, and screen undesirable views, while also allowing visibility of retail frontages."
- City of Emeryville Streetscape Design Guidelines

“There are many factors to consider in laying out a streetscape. Existing elements such as curb cuts, trees, storefronts and signage significantly influence the final layout.”
- City and County of Denver Streetscape Design Manual

“Storefronts and signs are designed for the automobile (35 miles per hour) and not the pedestrian (three miles per hour). Careful selection of tree species should be done to ensure that storefronts are visible from the street. Management of the public realm should provide an attractive foreground for retail that complements the visibility and appeal of the storefronts.”
- Arlington County Retail Plan

“Strategically placed trees enhance the pedestrian experience without blocking retail windows or signage.”
- Oklahoma City Park Avenue Retail Enhancement Study

Your citations must include the name and the page of the publication it is derived from.

You must complete the work within 72 hours of being awarded the project.

Each citation will be reviewed for acceptance.

You will be paid $1 USD for each citation that is accepted and up to $100 if all 100 citations are accepted.
Working conditions:

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