Archive: Audio/video editing membership meeting

Budget 250$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
My nonprofit org had a general membership meeting recently and I recorded audio and video as follows:

- Audio about 4 hours in one MP3 file using an Olympus VN-8100PC. Want to split into segments that match the six major agenda topics. These will later be made available as podcast files as a resource for our members.

- Video about 3.75 hours in multiple MP4 files using a Canon HF-R80. Some files need to be split into segments and two need to be merged. One file ended prematurley due to operator error, so about ten minutes of the audio may be appended to that file. The camera was set in a fixed position to capture a wide angle as presenters paced the width of the room (no panning), but some presenters remained in one spot, so perhaps those sessions could benefit from being cropped.

If this seems interesting to you, let me know how you might charge for this job.

And please take a look at the description of the meeting with link to the printed agenda and the Facebook album at

Bob W
Working conditions:
Fixed Price
Under $250
audio editing,video editing