Archive: Assistance with Wordpress - Mass Update of Fields

Budget 228$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
I am looking for assistance with modifying specific fields of the media files in our wordpress site. My Goal is to be able to use a CSV file to update and/or fill in fields that are associated with media files on Wordpress. I looking for someone who has the ability to download all our media files into an CSV file, and then has the ability of re-uploading the modified CSV file so that it updates the fields.

The project will entail downloading all of our files into a CSV that has the following values (and possibly more):
• Title
• File Type
• File URL
• Caption
• Alternative Text
• Yoast SEO Title
• Yoast Meta Description

Then giving the CSV file to me, so I can modify it.

Then taking the modified CSV file and re-uploading it to our site so that it updates the fields listed above.
comma separated values(csv),search engine optimization (seo),wordpress (cms),yoast