Archive: 3d files made so I can print them

Budget 250$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
I have a DaVinci 3d printer that uses files in .stl I am looking for two simple designs. Both are a platform about 1mm thick by 80mm long and 50mm tall with the middle solid and a cursive name removed. this is for Blind people to learn how to sign their name in writing. the user would place the pen into the name in the center of the plate and then they would just follow the cutout with the pen and their name would be signed on the paper. The sizes I have stated are approx and not exact.

Let me know if this is something you could do for me. The names I am looking for are Seth Martinez and Ethan Martinez. and also just the first name Seth and Ethan.

Working conditions:
Fixed Price
Under $250
3d design,stl