25 Page Report on Nutrition for Men

Budget 250$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
I am looking for a piece written on the science of nutrition, however, in a simplified manner, for beginner or intermediate level people into fitness (or beginning their fitness journey).

Ideally, I want emphasis placed on the three different body types (endo, ecto, meso) and the different nutritional requirements for each of these for weight loss or muscle gain.

I would like to see a plan and short description/summary of the article/report before any work commmences.

As far as a time frame goes, I am open to quotes, however, I would ideally like this completed as soon as possible, so please keep this in mind when quoting!

Finally, this has the potential to become a series (eg next one on women), so if I am pleased with the first piece of work, you can be sure I'll be coming back!
Dietetics,Health,Men's Health,Nutrition Education,Fitness Writing,Weight Loss
Working conditions:
Source: guru.com

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