Archive: Tweak a BuildFire App (Online App Development Tool)

Budget 258$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
App developer familiar with Buildfire (online App development tool) I want to have Microsoft Team login page to work within the App container. Buildfire has three options, however it does not work. I contacted support they suggested the following. BuildFire say its possible through customisation

Please note tweak/fix has be in BuildFire . No redevelopment required.
" functionality is possible through our custom development capabilities.
Our platform allows for incredible customization by a developer with common languages like HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Developing on the platform is done with the new SDK that can be found here on github. You can see more about developing the customization you need here:
If you have any technical questions related to the developer portal, we provide developer support via Stack Overflow.
Simply include "BuildFire" in the title and description via the following link: "

Buildfire Standard Options and Information below:

1) Native in app
2) In app popup window
3) Device's default external browser

Note 1: For the best user experience, link to mobile optimized content.
(Disclaimer: Some websites will show mobile version of site only on mobile devices.)

Note 2: Certain websites like Google, Amazon, and others have limitations and/or internal policies that prohibit it from being shown in the app's native component. Therefore, if your web page does not show up in this selection, please try using one of the other two methods.

Note 3: If you are taking payments through this web page, you must open the the URL outside of the app or the app will get rejected by Apple in the submission review process.

Note 4: It is best to use secure websites (Https) some operating systems require it.

Hint: If you are taking payments, use your app or content DeepLink URL to redirect back to the app after a payment is made.
html/html5,github,applications developer,cascading style sheets (css),customization,JavaScript programming language,microsoft windows,mobile,operating system (os),software development kit (sdk),stackoverflow,user experience (UX),web