I need an android and apple app developer
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per month
Posted: 5 years ago
- Description
- I have an idea for a mobile application which I was hoping you would be able to help me with. The app idea is basically a 'What's on' in your town/city.
A brief description of what I would like users of the app to experience is as follows:
Users will be able to open the app and see events, classes, quizzes etc that are happening in their area on that day and that week. They will also be able to see what bars are doing promotions, when happy hour is, if there is live music etc. Users will be able to filter and search - for example if someone is looking for live music they should be able to check a box and all venues offering live music will be shown.
Those who use the app for their business will be able to add in events and details of their events and update whenever they need to.
Could you please tell me if an idea like this is possible and if so what would the approximate cost?
I am looking forward to hearing from you,
Kind regards,
android application development,applications developer,mobile applications
- Category
Source: peopleperhour.com