Archive: I need a Mobile app (IOS & Android) for my Drupal 8 website

Budget 305$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
I have built a complete Drupal 8 website based mainly on below modules:
_ Custom sub-theme of Bartik core theme.
_ Webform
_ Business rules
_ Group
_ Social Auth
_ Footable
_ SMS Framework
_ Field Group
_ and many other contrib modules

I would like to have a mobile app for both android and IOS to communicate with my Drupal 8 website... So users will download my app on their phone and will have the ability to:
_ Login/register accounts
_ View nodes and other views based on permission and roles given to every user.
_ Interacts and submit webforms

Information might be important:
_ I have many views using 'contextual filters' like 'current NID from URL' and 'current UID from URL'.
_ 90% of the website like nodes, views, webform will open in dialogs.
_ 50% of the website uses the 'ajax' drupla 8 core system.

Since I need the application to be ready as soon as possible, I was thinking of building (at first stage) an app which will do nothing other than launching my current website inside a APP CANVAS.
So users will indeed download the app from any app stores and once installed, the mobile app will do nothing but LAUNCHING MY WEBSITE ( from inside this app.

Of course later, after launching my project will ask again the developer to create a Hybrid or native app for me.

Please when reacting to my job post, do include:
_ The total price of the basic app (IOS and Android) which will do nothing other than launch my website url from the app canvas.
_ The total price of the Hybrid or Native app (IOS and Android) which will have its own theme and UI and will communicate back and forth with my Drupal 8 website (MySql database)
_ Estimated time for completion.

Thank you.
ajax,drupal (cms),mysql,android application development,application store (app store),communication,customization,database,framework,ios,mobile applications,user interface (UI),web