Solve Cloudflare Reverse Dns Mismatch

Budget $10-11
Posted: 1 year ago
I am looking for a skilled developer who can help me solve a Cloudflare reverse DNS mismatch issue.

Skills and experience required:
- Strong knowledge of DNS settings and configuration
- Experience working with Cloudflare and linking it to domains
- Expertise in resolving mismatched reverse DNS hostname issues

Project Scope:
- The project involves identifying and fixing the mismatched reverse DNS hostname issue in Cloudflare.
- The developer will need to have access to the DNS settings for the domain and ensure that the Cloudflare account is correctly set up and linked to the domain.
- The specific issue reported is a mismatched reverse DNS hostname, so the developer should have experience in resolving this particular problem.

- The developer should provide a step-by-step guide or implementation to fix the reverse DNS mismatch issue.
- The solution should ensure that the reverse DNS hostname in Cloudflare matches the actual hostname of the domain.

Please note:
- If there are any other issues related to the Cloudflare reverse DNS mismatch, please specify them so that they can be addressed accordingly.

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