Freelance jobs for iPhone
Project Description: Hobby Project - Personal Skills and Experience: - Experience in [specific hobby related to the project] - Creative and innovative mindset - Strong attention to detail - Ability to work independently and collaboratively with a team - Proficient in [relevant software or tools] - Excellent...
I am looking for a Flutter developer to fix a minor functionality issue on my app. Regular dev is away sick. We need the Restore Purchase. link fixed on ios app. Apple require this before we can pass review. We need the job done now so we can get the app back in review. it should not take very long.
Hi Emeka E. , I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
Hello , I want to hire iOS Developer for 12 - 16 hrs to complete few tasks like UI integration , version upgrade. I will pay fix between 3,000 - 4000 INR for tasks and release it based on completion. I need some one who having at least 4 yrs of experience and can start work now. Its easy tasks for have...
I am looking for a mobile app developer to create an Android app for my fitness startup. The main feature of the app should be the ability for users to connect with trainers and fitness professionals. Although I don't have mockups or visuals, I have a general concept in mind.
Hello, I am looking to develop a unity soccer game with moves like score hero 1. Map with 1-3 stars achievments 2. engine to make the goals like i want 3. smooth game play 4. IAP , shop , buy lives 5. lives to play 6. finger smoothness touch 7. the level will be added automticlly to the map 8. rewind...
I have set up the speakers - I cannot get them to work nor can I connect to my app. Based in Wanstead.
I am looking for a software app developer who can create an app for both iOS and Android platforms. The app should have enhanced features and also integrate with an existing system. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficient in iOS and Android app development - Experience in developing apps like Mutual...
Hi Emeka E. , I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.
I am looking to develop a mobile quiz game app that is both fun and challengy. The app should provide informative challenges to the user and will include features such as an immersive multiplayer mode and score tracking. The user can form teams or alternatively compete versus each other in single player...