Costumes for a photography project

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Budget 258$ per month
Posted: 5 years ago
I am looking for a costume maker to design and sew costumes for a photography project. I had begun to make the costumes myself, but need to be able to generate more costumes in a shorter period of time than expected. I will provide patterns in some cases, but not all. I am looking for somebody who is highly skilled and detail oriented. If I am happy with an initial costume, there are likely to be more. I am hoping not to spend more than $200 per costume. Less would be great, but I don't want to compromise on quality. I will provide the fabric. Many of the costumes will be made with upholstery fabrics, cottons and linens. Please feel free to ask questions. I have provided a sample photo of one of the costumes I have made for the project. Styles will range from Victorian to Contemporary, all of the fabric will be heavily patterned, generally with nature motifs.
fabric design,clothing industry,sewing,upholstery

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