Freelance jobs for Civil Engineering
we need a freelancer partner we have work on regular bases regarding house plannings 2d on autocad kindly place bid accordingly for any query dm us on instagram www. instagram. com/ns.
I have a project to build a glass house that will be used for residential purposes. Additional building work will be needed in order to complete the project, and the walls of the glass house will be constructed from glass and steel. I am looking for a freelancer to help me complete this project. The...
I have the full architectural plans of a small hotel and i want the quantities of the basic construction materials that is listed in the attached excel file. Some (like excavations) is difficult to measure exactly so i only need estimation of these quantities. The plans are in Greek language so i'll...
Cashiers NC Grading Plan The purpose of this project is to establish grading plan and standards for a residential construction project in Cashiers, NC. Skills and experience required: - Strong knowledge and understanding of construction grading and drainage standards - Ability to develop a comprehensive...